Sunday, November 27, 2011

FINALLY!! But I couldn't be more proud

This is one of those posts that will have Jocelyn hiding her head many years from now, but I am bursting with pride for my sweet girl, so I just had to write about it!

It has taken over a year, but Jocelyn is finally using the potty.   I decided, again, last Tuesday, to start putting her in underwear, and having her sit on the potty.   And the light bulb went off!  She is far from totally potty trained, but she's only having one or two accidents a day, and she's starting to ask to use the potty on her own.  And today, she pooped on the potty for the first time!! 

This is where we were a year ago.   And then, after a month (no joke) of bribing, begging and eventually fighting, I gave up.  She was just not ready.   I've tried to start it up a few times since then, but got a very loud and clear "NO!!"

But a year later, she has made amazing progress in just 6 days!   We still do pull-ups when we leave the house, and diapers at night.  We still have a ways to go for total control.   But when I started this less than a week ago, I was prepared to be disappointed once again, so what she has accomplished, in such a short time, is wonderful!

She asked me today why I am so proud of her.  I've lost count how many times I've told her that this week!   It almost made me cry when she asked the question with that shy smile on her face.   Well, my Sweet Jocelyn, here is why.  From preemie baby to potty training, my girl has always made me proud.  Every achievement has been slow in coming, but so exciting when it came.   But finally seeing my big girl use the potty, makes me jump up and cheer!!!   Yes, I am the proudest Mommy in the world!

Fall 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

Treasures! Treasures! Everywhere!!!

.....  and I do mean EVERYWHERE!

Many years ago, my good friend Joye told me about her daughter's Treasure box.   (She was about Jocelyn's age at the time)   Abbie carried around her favorite little toys in this Treasure box.   How cute!

Well the Treasure box has now invaded our house, but it is not limited to a "box".  We have Treasure bags, Treasure pumpkins, Treasure backpacks, Treasure bowls, Treasure purses, and on and on and on.   This was the collection as of this morning.  (And this is only the living room stash!)

Here is the queen reigning over her treasures.

Not really!  :-)  I just thought it was a funny picture of her watching TV.

And I'm sure you are asking, what could she possibly have in all those Treasure bags, etc.?   Well her "Special" items of course - her "Special" toothbrushes from the dentist, her "Special" pine needles, her "Special" water gun, her "Special" ping pong ball (I have no idea where that came from!), and 1001 other "Special" items.

Anyway, while she was in My First School this morning, I transported most of the pile to the basement or Halloween storage, or dare-I-say the trash can!  I just wanted to reclaim the living room and I knew I couldn't do it under her watchful eye. 

Jocelyn's been home for an hour and she hasn't even noticed.  Hmmmm.....  what does that tell me???