Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Two Weeks In

So we're two weeks into the school year.  That sounds funny, doesn't it?

After lots of transition the first week, Jocelyn was assigned to Ms. Beale.  Lucky for us, she was our first choice!  Jocelyn "knew" from the first day that she was going to have her (fortunately she was right!), and I had met her a couple times before and I liked her a lot.  So we are both very happy.

Jocelyn is doing so great!  She has handled our morning routines like a champ, and when the bus gets to her stop, I have to chase down my "goodbye" hug, or there won't be one!  At that point, she is focused on jumping on that bus and starting her day.  And she is loving every day.

Ms. Beale has assured me that there will be plenty of opportunity for volunteering in the classroom, so I am looking forward to hearing more about that in a couple weeks.  In the meantime, I keep up with my PTA duties.  Today I'll be at the school to work on my bulletin board.  I'm very happy to have a little job that keeps me close to what's happening at the school.

Not too many pictures being taken these days.  This was one day earlier this week when she was all dressed up.  Jocelyn is all of a sudden into dresses for school.

At the end of that day, Jocelyn was a tired kiddo.  She got a snack, a drink, TV and foot bath.  The recovery was something to see!

So, what am I doing with MY time?  Well, I have started cleaning things that I've never had time to clean before, I've read about a dozen magazines from my backlog, I've kept up with the household chores and the shopping, and yesterday I had lunch with my sister!  I'm still trying to figure out what my days will look like, but there's plenty of options.  No matter what I decide to do on any given day, boredom won't be a problem.  Of course, I can choose to be bored!  Doesn't that sound nice?!

Guess that's it for now.  Time to see what I can get into for the rest of my morning!

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