Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Up Close and Say HoHoHo!

I took Jocelyn to see Santa today.  This morning she was all excited about dressing up in her pretty red Christmas dress, tights and fancy shoes.   She couldn't wait to tell Santa what she wanted for Christmas...  until he was sitting in front of her that is.   Then she clung to me like a monkey.  I thought this year's Santa pictures were doomed.

And then Santa saved the day.  He got her talking about her wish list (my Christmas shopping is no longer considered done), then he asked for a "high-five" and a fist bump (I don't remember Santa doing those when I was a kid!), and then Santa dared to ask her for a hug! 
Next thing I knew, she was in his lap chatting and smiling and this is what I got!!!

I'm pretty sure these are the best Santa photos she's ever taken! 
Yeah for Santa!!!

After our visit with the big guy,
we went to have lunch with our favorite guy.

Daddy's even more fun than Santa!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Correspondence from the Big Guy

Santa has written to Jocelyn again this year. 
How does he find the time??!!

Along with his letter, he sent a photo,
and Dasher sent some bells from his sleigh harness!

We love Santa, and can't wait for his visit ----- 24 days and counting!