Saturday, May 24, 2014

Mommy and Me Weekend

Last year, if you remember, Jocelyn and Auntie and I went on an overnight trip to a dairy farm in PA.  We had so much fun, I decided to take another trip with Jocelyn this year.  I was thinking about going to the dairy farm again, but they were booked up for the weekend we wanted to take our trip.  At first I was disappointed, but in the end, that turned out to be the catalyst to make me look for other options, and we ended up with two great ones!!

First we went to Indian Echo Caverns.  We toured the underground caverns and did some gem mining.  It had rained pretty heavily the night before, so the caverns were "raining" inside down from the ceiling in many places, but it was fun to dodge the drops and we were told by the tour guide that getting wet meant good luck.  Can't argue with that!

Jocelyn next to the "wedding cake" formation.

After the cavern tour, Jocelyn did some Gem Mining.  She was given a treasure bag with lots of goodies, including coins, shells, gems and this arrow head!

After our busy day at the caverns, we got some dinner and then went back to our hotel for a swim.  The next day we headed south west towards Gettysburg to visit the Land of Little Horses, a miniature horse farm.  I had been here long ago when I was a little kid.  I really don't remember much, but it was so much fun to experience it all through Jocelyn's eyes.

When we arrived, I bought her a container with food that could be fed to any animal in the park.  She loved being able to feed the donkey, the goats, the bull, and of course, any pony she could find!

She got to pet and brush the ponies.

And of course she got to ride a pony!!

At the end of the day we were very excited to watch the horses let out to pasture to run free.  They were so happy to be out of their stalls and done performing that they were all running and rolling around in the grass.  What a treat to see that!!

After doing this weekend trip for two years in a row, I think I have decided that a Mommy and Me trip is definitely going to be a yearly tradition.  I love spending this one on one time with Jocelyn and we have such fun experiences.  And now I think we might have to do something different each year.  As much fun as these places have been, it's just as fun to experience new things with her.  However, I do think a day trip back to the horse farm with Daddy later this year is DEFINITELY in order!!!

Bathroom Project

Our master bathroom has bothered me since we moved in, and yes that was 8 years ago.  I have never liked the grass green color of the walls, and the ceiling paint the previous owners used has been peeling since day one.  So with Jocelyn in school and finally the good weather has arrived, I decided it was time to tackle this project and make a change!!

This is what I started with.

When the priming was done, the room already looked so much better, and brighter!!

And then we chose our paint and received a little help to finish the job.

And now with nice brand new towels and rugs, I love how it turned out.  It's so cozy and bright!  I think I need to hide in there!  :-)  Just one problem with that idea...  In the 3 weeks it took to get this job done, in between the demands of normal life, there are some things in the rest of the house that have been horribly neglected.  Next job?   Pre-summer clean-out!!  

Spring and Easter

So time flies and life goes on...

We have had a busy spring.

Easter brought lots of fun.  An Easter Egg Hunt in the neighborhood and a visit with the Easter Bunny -

Flowers and Butterflies!! -

And some of my favorite photos of us!!