Monday, January 30, 2017

Happy 9th Birthday!! - We survived!

Yesterday we celebrated Jocelyn's 9th birthday with 7 of her friends.  Three were from Mom's Club and 4 from school.  And this time, she even invited 4 boys!!

The theme, as I mentioned previously, (and no surprise) was Minecraft.  There was so much preparation to this party!  Lots of little signs and decorations, balloons, Pin the Pickaxe on Steve, and even a Chicken pinata!!

It was crazy and loud and exhausting, but so much fun!

We started off with some fusion bead projects.  We had patterns for Minecraft characters and swords.  You would think this peaceful scene was a sign of things to come, but don't be fooled!

We then moved on to Pin the Pickaxe on Steve.  The photo speaks for itself.

Then they beat the Chicken to death.  After that, they hunted the house for Creepers.  I'm beginning to sense a theme here...

Everyone was happy for snacks and cake, and maybe a little tired by this point.  Except that guy smiling in the back.  That's Drew.  The rest of the crowd was Jocelyn of course, Lily, Ayaka, Parker, Ryan, smiling Drew, Colin and Kate.  

Here's a photo of the Minecraft Ocelot cake before we dug into it.

Time to sing and blow out the candle!

Unfortunately we remembered the group photo right after Drew left, but here's the rest of the crew.

Thanks to Auntie for the very appropriate Minecraft shirts!   We look pretty good considering how exhausted we were!  It was a great day and a very fun party...  or "AWESOME!!" as Jocelyn said!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Birthday Preparations

Jocelyn requested a Minecraft themed birthday party this year.  I had no idea what I was getting into!  There are a thousand creations out there on the web for Minecraft parties.  Here's just a sampling of what I have going on around here right now....

The invitations have gone out.
No turning back now!
She is SO excited!!!

We survived Christmas!

It's hard to believe another Christmas has gone by and we are into 2017.   I am happy to report that we all managed to stay healthy through the holidays this year - thankfully.  The school break was only a week long, but we managed to get in some fun times!

We started the season with our annual trip right after Thanksgiving, to the Festival of Trees.  Jocelyn asked Santa to "Surprise" her this year!

Jocelyn's Girl Scout troop was busy!  They watched the Nutcracker on Ice, went to see the play Mary Poppins, and sang Christmas carols at a local nursing home.

We decorated the tree and topped it with Grandma's special angel.  Santa sent Jocelyn her Christmas letter.  This year she read the whole thing on her own!

Last year we were so disappointed to miss out on baking Christmas cookie with our friends, but this year we were able to make it happen.  The cookies were very yummy, but our friends are very messy bakers.

On Christmas Eve we made our usual preparations.  We put out the snacks for the reindeer - exactly 9 peanut butter balls, 9 baby carrots and some oats.  And Santa got yummy cookies and milk!  Christmas morning included lots of Minecraft, but that's no surprise (stay tuned for birthday preparations!).

The rest of our winter break was focused on fun times with friends.  The kids had a pajama and pancakes party at Ms. Nicki's house on Wednesday...

And we celebrated an early kid friendly New Years Eve with the Millers and the Haas Families, complete with games and play time and ringing in the new year at 8:00pm!

These families have been our dear friends for many years now.  We met in the MOMs club and have continued to share special times together.  We're so lucky to have them in our lives.  Happy New Year Everyone!!