Friday, March 7, 2014


Jocelyn's teacher has been telling me that Jocelyn is reading, but until tonight, I hadn't seen it myself.

But tonight, while she was "reading" to herself, she started calling me frantically and when I got to her room, she said "Mommy I can read this book!"

And so I say down in awe and listened to her read...

She didn't know all the words, but still about 75% of them.  She was so excited that she knew so many of the words and so excited to read to me!  I called Daddy upstairs so he could listen to.  It was one of those moments I want to remember always.  And one of those moments that made me cry.  

I am so proud of my Sweet Girl tonight!  I can't wait for her to read to me again tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

What I've been up to!

I've made a number of quilts and considered myself to be a self-taught quilter, but after many amateur attempts at quilting, I finally got around to taking an actual quilting class.  When I walked into class the first day and saw the project we were going to work on, I thought for sure I was in the wrong class!!  I was completely intimidated by the pattern!

But the class was wonderful.  I learned so much about fabric color and quality, cutting fabric accurately, better sewing techniques, design layout, etc,.

And Ta-Da!!  Here is the finished top of my quilt!!

I'm still amazed that I managed to get it all done!  In 3 weeks we get to go back to learn how to "quilt" the 3 layers (top, batting and bottom fabric) together.  In the meantime, I'm resisting the urge to start something else! 

Snow, Snow and more Snow

This has been a long...  cold...  snowy Winter.  We've broken all kinds of temperature records.  It's been the coldest Winter I can ever remember, even considering my 10 years living in New Hampshire.  We haven't broken any records with snow numbers, but it seems like every few days the weather forecast includes more of the nasty white stuff.  I'm so ready for winter to be over.
With the bad weather, has come lots of missed school.  Schools have been closed 8 days so far this school year, and yes, I say "so far" because this Winter seems never ending!

But the one light in all of this, is Jocelyn has had lots of fun!

The results of a snowball fight!

Helping shovel the walkway.

First time sledding!

Snow Angels taken from above.

My favorite photo of the snow girl.

If the temperatures start to warm up and Spring FINALLY arrives, I certainly won't be sad to see this Winter go, but I'm glad it's been fun for at least one of us!

Jocelyn's 6th Birthday

Yeah, Yeah...
I know...
Better late than never.

On Jocelyn's actual birthday, we did a family get together.  At school, she got a crown to wear and wouldn't take it off the rest of the weekend!

This is my favorite photo!

The next day was Jocelyn's birthday party with her friends.  Jocelyn wanted to have a birthday party at home this year.  She wanted to have a jewelry party where all her friends could make their own jewelry.  She chose the beads for the jewelry, planned the party games (including a pinata!), decorations, and goodie bags, and really enjoyed having her friends here to play at the house.
I liked having it here too.  Even though it was more prep work ahead of time, the day of the party was much more relaxing and fun.
What a great way to celebrate being 6!!

Making jewelry

Look how pretty!
Eating cupcakes with friends.
Blowing out the candles again!