Saturday, August 25, 2012

MD State Fair 2012

I love the Maryland State Fair.  The County Fair is fun too, but the Maryland one is the best!  Jocelyn and I have a busy week next week getting her ready for preschool, more coming on that soon, so I decided to take her yesterday.  It was the perfect day to go.  It was the first day of the fair and in the middle of a weekday, so it wasn't very crowded at all.  Jocelyn is now big enough to ride on many of the rides and there were lots of them for her age!  We had invited friends, but it ended up just being the two of us, and in the end, I was glad.  We had a lot of fun together, just the two of us.

Playing in soybeans!

We found Nemo!

We also got to see a chicken hatching from an egg, and baby piglets only an hour old, as well as lots of other baby animals.  We watched pig races, played games, and checked out a real bees hive. 

We're going to be wrapping up the summer fun on Monday with our annual trip to Sesame Place and we can't wait for that!!
In the meantime, here's a fun photo of my little one trapped in a sea of birthday balloons for a friend... just because she's so cute!

Stop Growing!!!

Jocelyn made the comment one night that she wished she had a big bed like Mommy and Daddy and I told her that one day she would.  (We still have her crib frame and intend to use it as a full size bed when she moves into a bigger bedroom)

In the meantime, I told her that we could expand her current bed.  See related post here.  And she was very excited, so excited in fact, that we were doing it the next day!!
Jocelyn helps take apart the bed frame
And expand it

Then adds the extension mattress

And then the best part!    Adding all the critters and testing it out!

We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this expandable bed!  We were actually overdue for the expansion.  She was touching the top and the bottom of the frame, but we figured we would let her decide when she was ready.  Now she loves having room for her friends and stretching out.  With any luck, this expansion will last until she moves out of this room, but we do know for sure that this was the best designed bed for her small room.  Now if I could just stop my baby girl from growing anymore!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Visiting with Pepere and Memere

Pepere and Memere were here for a visit this week.  As usual, their visits involve lots of fun.

We started off with a gift of incredible love from Pepere.  For the last two years, Pepere has been building Jocelyn a dollhouse.  See here for our first encounter with the dollhouse last summer.
He delivered the finished product to us, and Jocelyn loves it!!

Always the goofy one, Memere led Jocelyn in singing "I'm a Little Tea Pot" complete with the motions.

We spent an evening at the county fair, riding the kiddie rides and visiting with the animals.

And pretending to milk a cow!

Miss you Pepere!!!   Thanks for so much fun!