Monday, January 31, 2011

Birthday letter to my baby girl

My Dear Sweet Jocelyn,
Today you are 3 years old.  How can that be???  It seems just yesterday you were so small and helpless, and dependent on your Mommy, and today you are, dare I say?  A LITTLE GIRL!
Next to your Daddy, I never thought it was possible to love someone so fully and powerfully as I love you.  I'm still in awe that you were once inside me kicking away, and then you were born so early and so small.
You are still such a tiny thing, but you are a force all your own.  You know what you want out of this life and you TRY your darndest to make it happen.  You say the funniest things, and you are turning into such a polite, generous child. 
Your favorite things in life are your family, your friends from our mom's groups, My Gym and gymnastics classes, Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake, and Sesame Street, M&Ms, chocolate milk, and cuddling.  Our days together involve these things and so much more.  I love our time together.
As I look to what our future brings, I am thinking about ABC's and 123's, educational activities and eventually, next fall 2012, preschool.  One day, way too soon, you will be off to school, and I will miss our days together so much.  I try not to think about that now!
Today, I celebrate you, my sweet girl of just 3 years old.  Tonight we will sing "Happy Birthday" and I will remember, at 5:26pm, exactly 3 years ago, my life changed forever, for the better, when you became such a big part of my world.
I love you little one,

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow Day!

Last night, when I looked out our front door and saw this, I had visions of last year's mountains of snow.  Fortunately, this storm dropped **only** 11 inches.  After 53 inches last year, what's a measly 11?  Really?
But this had to have been the heaviest, wettest snowfall I can remember in quite some time.  So what did we do with it?
Well first we paid an ambitious, entrepreneur type guy that knocked on our door, $40 to shovel the walk and the driveway.  Don't come rushing over here for a handout, you're too late, it's done!
Next, we OF COURSE made a snowman /lady.  It's either a snowman very comfortable with his femininity or it's a snowlady, I can't say for sure...
And what snowman / lady doesn't want a kiss???

And then we helped Daddy shovel.  Note Jocelyn's heavy duty blue plastic shovel.  But her heart was in it for sure!  However her aim was a bit off.  Can you see the ball of snow in her hood?

So, we've done the snow thing, and the shoveling thing, and the snowman / lady thing.  Can we get on to Spring now?

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Yesterday Pat and I went to a "Childcare and Preschool Fair".  I've always felt, since before Jocelyn was born, that I just don't see the reason to put her in preschool before fall 2012, the year before she goes to kindergarten.  Kindergarten is full day in our area, and I don't want her to go from all day with me, to all day away.  So I certainly want to do it then. 
But until then, I am a stay at home Mom.  Jocelyn is my job.  I don't feel like I'm doing my job as her Mom by sending her off to preschool.
Now, I know lots of moms with kids Jocelyn's age, and younger even, that have put their kids in preschool.  If my situation were different, if I had another child (like many of them do), if I had to go back to work, if she wasn't still napping (sometimes), if I felt that she needed more opportunities for socialization, I would do what I needed to do for her without hesitation, and I could easily see her going into preschool.
BUT...  I don't and won't have another child, I am so fortunate that I don't have to work, and Jocelyn's social calendar is, well, better than mine.
So, we went to this fair yesterday, because as usual, I have to be ahead of the game.  We went to child birth classes 2 1/2 months before Jocelyn was due, but of course, with her being born two weeks later and 2 months early, that was a good thing.  And that would be the perfect example of my personality, and the perfect justification for it!
Anyway, we went to this fair to find out information about the preschools out there with the idea that we aren't committing to anything before Fall 2012.  And I'm so glad we did.  First of all, I learned about co-op preschools.  I can't begin to describe the ***GLEE*** I felt when the parents at the fair told me how, in the co-ops, they can be involved in their child's preschool experience by being in the classrooms, doing crafts, helping the kids, reading to the kids, and maybe being on the board or a committee.  That's me all the way!  So that narrowed my preferences down a lot.  We also know that we don't want a religious preschool, so that took a number of schools out of the running.  And from what I understand about Montessori schools, I don't think that's for us either.
So we left the fair with information from about 5 different area preschools that we liked.  I know there are many others and in the next several months, I will certainly research all the area co-op preschools.  Come the fall, I want to have narrowed down my preferences so I can visit some preschools, decide the ones I like and hopefully by this time next year, I'll be ready to jump in the game.
Now let me tell you about THE GAME!!  Here you have parents of little kids doing what looks like competing for slots in the preschools!!   It feels like a talent show, or applying to college, and it's preschool for pete's sake!!!  I feel like there is some kind of pressure to get your child into the elite, perfect, preschool.  Well, someone we met at the fair yesterday gave us some advice I plan to take.  If we like the preschool, and we like the activities and the teachers, the location, and the price, then go with it.  If we are happy, our child will be happy.   I'm going to hope she knows what she's talking about!!
So what I thought was a quick and painless process...  pick a preschool, fill out some paperwork and bring your kid to class... is a lot more involved than I ever thought!!
As I always do, over the coming months, I will plan, and organize, and track every detail, and hope that it is enough in the end to find the perfect preschool for Jocelyn a year and a half from now!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

No Way!!

It's dawning on me quickly that my baby girl is almost 3 years old. 
How can that be? 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A horse with a name - The story of Josie

There's a story that just needs telling...
I hope I can do it justice, because it is a bit beyond imagination...

This is a photo of a very special horse, her name is Josie.

And here is her owner....  kind of.... You may recognize him as Pepere.

Shortly before Thanksgiving my Dad (AKA Pepere) came across a couple riding their horses through Apache Junction, Arizona, near where Dad lives.
Now you have to understand something about my Dad and Stepmom, Susan.  They are two of the most social people I know.  Given the opportunity to meet someone new, or experience something new, they're ready!  They have travelled the U.S. and seen more than most of us will see in a lifetime, and they have met countless people they now call friends. 

This is how this story came to be.  My Dad saw these riders coming through town.   He struck up a conversation, asked to take their picture for his granddaughter (AKA my Jocelyn, or as Pepere calls her, Josie), and what started as a simple photo op is now a friendship for life.

This couple, Art and Sue, are travelling the country on horseback, with barely an itinerary, and depending on the kindness of strangers to make their way.  When they came across my dad, they had fallen on hard times, and couldn't have found a more generous and willing person to come to their aide.     My Dad contacted some of his friends around town, and ultimately helped Art and Sue find a place to stay and a place to rest their horses. 

As days passed, my Dad had the chance to get involved with the horses. You see, my Dad is a cowboy at heart and was thrilled with the chance to delve into the horse world.  And what about that horse named Josie?  Well, the hard times I mentioned, included the death of one of Art and Sue's pack horses.  Having two pack horses was really necessary for them to manage their travels and carry their supplies.  So what did Pepere do?  He bought them a horse, a 5 year old mare, at an auction!  His only request...  name her Josie, for his grand daughter. 

After Josie came along, she needed to be shoed, and trained, and given a chance to bond with Art and Sue.  And of course, Dad grew quite attached.

As the group became fast friends it seemed natural to spend Thanksgiving together, after all, isn't that what the holiday is about?

But after all this, and Thanksgiving too, it was time for Art and Sue and their now, 4 horses to resume their travels.  

But some time in the future, maybe months, maybe years, when they have seen all they want to see, and done all they set out to do, they will settle down, probably near family in Illinois.  And then, Josie the grand daughter will travel to meet the horse with that special name, and amazingly generous story.  And without a doubt Pepere will be there for the introductions.

Jocelyn's new blanket

As I mentioned previously, I have been making a large quilt for Jocelyn out of some of her fleece baby blankets. 

Well, I finished it yesterday, and it's a big hit with the little one.  As soon as it was done, she wanted to be wrapped up in it!

She dragged it upstairs for nap time (and I mean dragged because it's much bigger than her!), and wanted to sleep with it last night at bedtime too, despite the fact that it's huge in her crib.

Last night at bedtime, she was having a hard time going to sleep, and I was getting tired of making the multiple trips upstairs to try to get her settled in.  Well, the last time I went upstairs, I had had about enough!  And then, what does my sweet, angelic child say?

"Mommy made me this really nice blanket" and then she snuggled up with it and said "Night, Night Momma". 

And how can I be mad at that???

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Top Ten of 2010

Now that Jocelyn's Top Ten is done, I am trying to come up with one of my own.   Why is it easier to come up with my daughter's top ten than my own?  Maybe because watching her live her top ten is almost more fun than anything I can come up with for me!   As with Jocelyn, my list is in no particular order, just as it came to my mind and my heart...

Stay at home life with Jocelyn - watching Jocelyn growing up and learning and experiencing new things every day brings pure joy in my life.  I couldn't imagine missing one minute of it.

Friends new and old - There are friendships in my life that go back many years, and there are ones that are new and special in just this last year.  There are friends that have been there for me through good times and bad, and friends that have shared this Mommy experience with me.  I wouldn't trade any of them for anything. 

Facebook - as much as I don't want to be addicted, I have found it a great tool to stay in touch with friends and family.

Jocelyn's hugs and kisses - doesn't really need explaining, except to say it's one of the things I treasure most!

Secretary position - After joining a local Mom's Club I was "encouraged" to join the board as secretary.  I have found I really like having the opportunity to use my adult brain, and it's made it possible to make some wonderful new friends.

Knitting and crafts - I always have a project going and there are not enough hours in a day to do all I want to do!  Here is my current project, a quilt made from some of Jocelyn's fleece baby blankets.

Date nights and time with hubby - despite how infrequent they are!
See Goals for 2011!

Traveling - Niagara Falls, visits with family, two weddings, it's been a busy year!

Day trips - to the Baltimore Zoo, Sesame Place, Baltimore Inner Harbor and Annapolis, Washington DC, the Butterfly Gardens, and many more.  We've had a lot of fun this year.

New holiday traditions - This was the first year Jocelyn really started understanding some of the fun traditions of the holidays.  Easter included an Easter Basket hunt through the house compliments of the Easter Bunny, dressing up for Halloween and trick or treating.  And we had so much fun with Christmas:  leaving cookies and milk for Santa and muffins, carrots and oats for the reindeer, visiting Santa and asking for and receiving a green present and a red present, and so much more.  I suspect 2011 will be only more exciting as Jocelyn understands more of the events.

So here it is, the 2010 Top Ten.  I'm looking forward to what the new year will bring.  It's hard to imagine it being more fun, but I'm ready to take it on!

Christmas 2010

Since I have other blogs that cover the build up and preparations for Christmas, I'm not too sure what's left to cover!
Christmas Eve there was an extensive list of things we needed to do before going to bed, as per Santa's letter!
Leave Santa milk and cookies and a key to get in the house...
Special Santa cookie plate compliments of Grammy and soy milk, because, well...  that's what Jocelyn drinks!

And then of course, we needed the snack tray for the reindeer!  Carrots, oats and the obligatory muffins!

Santa must have been pleased with his treats, because he left us all wonderful gifts for Christmas!

Santa remembered the green
present and the red present!
Nose to nose with the elephant pillow!

Playing with her new racetrack!
Fun was had by all!

Now we just have to figure out how to convince Jocelyn that Santa is not coming back for a really long time!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goals for 2011

It's hard to believe it's already 2011. 

My goals for the new year:

Spend more time with my wonderful hubby - date nights, conversation, meet for lunch, we need it however and whenever it comes!!

Clean off my kitchen counter!  (I'm not dumb enough to show a picture of that!)

Learn to accept the things I can not change and don't beat myself up over them.

Learn to stick up for myself, and don't beat myself up when I do.  (Seems to be a trend here)

Take time for me - either with friends, or crafts, reading, or just down time.

Continue to be the best Mommy I can be.


Jocelyn's Top Ten of 2010

In no particular order since favorites change daily!!!.....

Swimming - Well, water in general, bath, puddle, bucket, whatever, but the pool is a favorite. Where else can you go with lots of water and Mommy doesn't hassle you about pouring it everywhere!

Television - No matter how I try to control it, the addiction is growing! 

Care Bears - It figures (compliments of having older sisters), Jocelyn's current favorite characters are almost impossible to find.

Traveling with family - by plane, by car, no matter.   We've taken lots of trips this year, to Indiana, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania (Grandmas, Aunty Erica's wedding, and Sesame Place).  Jocelyn is becoming a real traveler!

Visits from family - We have had visits from Pepere and Memere, Grammy, Uncle Scott and Aunt Rachel, Aunty Joye.


Gymnastics and My Gym - Jocelyn's favorite activies this year involved climbing, sliding, jumping and running.  Both gymnastics and My Gym will continue in the new year. 

Friends - Jocelyn has really begun to understand playing with friends and being with friends.  And because of her friendships, I have also made some wonderful friendships too.  

Christmas - This was a special year this year. Jocelyn understood so much about all the activies and was so excited (Christmas post to come!) and she made it fun for all of us.

Sesame Place - This was the first real outing we did with just Pat and Jocelyn and me. It was a really fun day and will be a yearly event for many years to come.

Play time with Aunty - Since Aunty is our regular baby sitter and Jocelyn's favorite playmate, we can't forget to list her on the favorites list!

Other fun top tens!