Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Special and Funny

Jocelyn and I did a little project for Daddy for Father's Day this year!  Happy Father's Day Daddy!

Getting a little bubble crazy at My Gym Friday Night!  Jocelyn's very glad we will have some time for My Gym this summer!

Yesterday was the Awards Event at Jocelyn's school.  She received the Award for Wonderful Writer, which doesn't surprise me because she has such a creative imagination.  She also got the Principal's Best on Blue award, which means she was a pretty good kid, following the rules all year.  I'm so proud of my girl!!

 But when all is said and done, she is just my crazy kid!  And here's what happens when you show the crazy kid how to take selfies!!

Only four more days of Kindergarten!!  I can't believe I'm about to have a 1st grader!!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Kindergarten Play

Jocelyn's year of Kindergarten is coming to an end.  It's so hard to believe!  The time has gone by so fast!

There are a number of events that will come up in the next couple weeks, starting with last night's Kindergarten Play.  Cuteness all around!

"We are little bunnies with cotton tails, see us hopping down the trail."


With Hayden, her friend and bunny pal

Afterwards, we took the opportunity to get some pictures with her teachers. Left to Right:
Ms. David - Kindergarten Intern, Ms. Kimmitt - Spec Ed and Teacher Assistant, Ms. Thornton - Para Educator, and Ms. Katie Beale - Kindergarten Teacher (about to pop with her own baby girl!)

Ms. Beale has been a wonderful teacher.  She has an amazing way of making every child feel special and heard, and Jocelyn has learned so much with her help.  Jocelyn will be lucky to have teachers like her in the future.