Thursday, February 12, 2015

New Family Members!

For over a year, I tossed around the idea of getting a fish tank.  I had one many years ago in another life, and since we can't have other pets, due to allergies, the idea of it came up again.  I went back and forth on whether I really needed just one more thing to take care of, but over the holidays, I finally decided to do it!

I had forgotten after 20 years how to set up and maintain a fish tank, so I barraged the poor guy at the store with a million questions!  We decided on a 20 gallon tank which is plenty for us, but going smaller means more maintenance, so it's a good size.

After the initial set up, we got some Swordtails, a Cori cat, and some Rasbora, which are tiny schooling fish.  Then we were told to wait another month to make sure the bacteria levels don't go crazy before getting anymore fish.  Last weekend we went back for another Cori cat, and as you can see above right, the two of them are already buddies.  We also got these pretty fish below.  This is two out of the three Glo-fish that Jocelyn picked out.  They are really pretty bright colored fish.

In another month or two, we might finish our little fish family with the last couple additions, but over all, I'm really happy with the fish tank.  I'm so glad I finally decided to get it.  It's so relaxing to watch the fish swim around, and it hasn't been hard at all to care for.  So welcome to the family little guys!

Saturday, February 7, 2015


I once read an article from a Mom about making sure you - as the Mom - are in pictures with your kids.  You can read the article here:

This article really struck me.  Like every woman on the planet, I'm not always that crazy about pictures of me.  But I learned something when I read that article.  My daughter doesn't see my faults, she sees ME - MOMMY, and none of those other insecurities.

So I decided, with the wonders of modern technology, to be in the picture with my daughter so she can look back on those photos one day and know for sure that I was, and always will be here with her.

Here's some of our latest creations, including some from Jocelyn herself!

Mike and Sully from Monsters Inc...   And Mike's eyeball!

More eyeballs, this time from Jocelyn!!   Any guess who's forehead??

Snuggling with my girl.

Seven Years and I Want to Stop Counting!!

This time of year always brings on reminiscing.  I think back 7 years to what I was doing this moment 7 years ago.  The days before Jocelyn's birthday I think about when I went into the hospital scared out of my mind, the time when the doctors told us we were going to have a 32 week preemie, those *wonderful* hours of contractions, and on January 31 at 5:26pm, the emergency C-Section, and the moment my daughter was born.  I was really out of it by then.  Days on Magnesium sulfate do really wacky things to your brain, but I remember clearly thinking how warm Jocelyn was.  I don't know why that struck me so strongly, but it did.  She was so, so tiny.  Only 3 lbs. 5 oz. and 16 1/2 inches long.  So, so tiny...  I always describe it as - stretch out your fingers and touch the tips of your pinkies together.  That's how small that is.

February 8, 2008, we held Jocelyn for the first time, she was 8 days old.  On March 4, after 33 days in the NICU, we finally got to take her home.

The events of Jocelyn's birth were not even close to the birth plans I had made up.  I can look back at them now and only laugh.  I had such high hopes, but NOTHING went as planned.

I learned from that moment on that the plans were no longer up to me.  And in some ways that's still true today, but I've also realized that being Jocelyn's Mommy means so much more than planning.  I still have my schedules and I still have my massive planner, but my plans are now focused on her and what makes her happy.  And that makes me happy.

The latest plans together with Jocelyn involved planning her 7th birthday party.  She wanted a Rainbow Unicorn theme, and yes, there are actually Rainbow Unicorn decorations, pinatas, games and the like.  I had no idea!  She chose it all, decided who she wanted to invite, helped decorate for the party, and ultimately had a great time!

Beating on the pinata!

Making our craft - Rainbow colored door hangers with hearts and flowers.

Saying Cheers with their unicorn cups.

And proudly wearing their unicorn headbands.

The only downfall, was literally, the downfall of the too-heavy unicorn cake topper, but Jocelyn managed to get that candle blown out just in time!

I can not believe my teeny tiny baby is now 7 years old.  The time has gone by so fast.  I am so proud of the person she is becoming.  Despite the scary beginning, I wouldn't change a moment of these 7 years, because it all brings me to this amazing, sweet, beautiful girl and I'm so lucky to be her Mommy.  Here's to whatever plans she has for me in the future!!