Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Tooth #2

Ok, so maybe I won't write about every tooth Jocelyn loses....   or maybe I will...

But this one is kind of special, and hopefully unique!!

About 5 weeks ago I noticed that Jocelyn's other bottom front baby tooth was starting to get loose.  No problem, the Tooth Fairy is ready!!  But the first baby tooth came out in 2 days, and this one just lingered....

Then about 3 weeks ago, I noticed that the adult tooth was coming in behind it.

I called the dentist and the nurse said give it two weeks and if it doesn't come out, bring her into the office (assumably to pull that baby out! but we didn't tell her that, of course).  So we counted down for two weeks and I watched that thing get looser and looser, until by this last weekend she could move it back and forth and side to side, and unbelievably, she could twist the thing, but no way was she going to tug on it!!

The reason???   Because if you lose a tooth at school, the nurse gives you a necklace that has a little case shaped like a tooth, and JOCELYN WANTED ONE!!!

So Sunday night, I decided to try wiggling it myself and it got even looser, but no we could not pull it out, tears, drama the works!!  I put her to bed terrified she was going to swallow that thing in her sleep, but nope, Monday morning she woke up with the tooth still hanging there, and off to school she went.

By 10:30, when I came in to volunteer, she had already gotten it out - a tiny push with her tongue and it fell out in her hand.  When she saw me, she literally bounced down the hall to show me her tooth necklace, she was so excited!!  EVERYONE and I do mean EVERYONE at school on Monday knew she had lost a tooth and got to see her tooth necklace.

I have been reassured that the adult tooth will find it's way into the right spot, now that the space it open (and if it doesn't, well, there's always braces), and all is well with the world because Jocelyn got her tooth necklace (which I found out later from the nurse, she could have gotten just by bringing the tooth in and showing her!!).
The only problem for me, is this is the second tooth Jocelyn has lost - and the second tooth I missed seeing her lose.  I still have 18 more chances I guess.

Halloween 2014

There were lots of great opportunities to enjoy Halloween fun and get dressed up this year.  Jocelyn chose to be Ms. Kitty, or as close as she could come to her Beenie Boo Ms. Kitty that is.

She had lots of fun at My Gym's Halloween Party.

We discovered a parade at a local grocery store.

Jocelyn had a school field trip to a local farm stand and then we went back later to get another pumpkin...  but not the 498 pound one...

There was the Halloween Parade at school.

And then of course, the best part - Trick or Treating Halloween night!!  Happy Halloween!!

Fall Fun

The daily routine of back to school means there aren't as many highlights to write about these days.  Jocelyn is finally getting used to the work expectations of 1st grade - and yes that was a struggle because it was unexpectedly much more actual *work*!  And I have gotten into my own routine managing the house and volunteering at school.

Here are some of the exciting moments of the past few weeks.

In September, I discovered a Sunflower farm about an hour from home.  It was so beautiful!!  Jocelyn and I drove up so I could selfishly take advantage of a photo op!  Unfortunately, we have to wait another two years for the sunflowers to come back due to crop rotation.

In early October we celebrated Memere's 70th birthday!!

Love this picture!

Later in the month, Jocelyn and I went back to Touch a Truck - another fun thing that only happens every two years!

In early November, we made it to Disney Frozen on Ice and this time we got to bring Daddy with us!!!  We had such a great time, we can't wait to do it again!!

Sven, our new addition to the family
chowing down on popcorn

Now the weather is FREEZING outside, winter has come way too early this year.  We'll have to see what fun things that brings with it.