Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Spring Break Part 2 - Stream Cleanup

This year's focus in Brownie Girl Scouts is Wonders of Water.  The girls have visited the aquarium and local waterways, learned about conserving water, and the benefits of recycling.  And at the end of Spring break they went to a local stream to pick up trash to help keep the streams and waterways clean, right down to the Chesapeake Bay.

Jocelyn has been looking forward to doing this for months!

The night before, it rained and rained.  The morning we did this was drizzling and overcast.  But nothing dampened her excitement!

We went out in raincoats, boots, and rubber gloves.  She was excited to announce that we found 12 balls and a shoe, plus lots more!  We filled a bag of trash and a bag of recyclables just the two of us!  I'm very proud of her for how hard she worked despite the weather and the mud (lots and lots of mud)...

which even sucked off her boot!

She was like this pretty much the whole time.  She ran around looking for trash and came back to me over and over with her arms full.  Who knew picking up trash could be so much fun?!?!

We went home covered in mud.  But as a group we probably filled at least a dozen bags of trash and recycling.  The girls worked really hard.  Definitely a proud Momma moment!

Spring Break

We were certainly ready for the **break** in Spring break this year, but we would love to have a little more of the **Spring** part of the weather.  It's been mightly cold lately and last weekend we actually saw SNOW!!

But despite the weather, we managed to work in some pretty fun times during the week off.

On Thursday that week, we met some friends at the Zoo.  It was especially nice because these are MOMS Club friends we don't get to see often.

We visited the penguins, rhinos, and flamingos.

Brushed the goats, watched the Elephants in action, and smiled big with our friend the Okapi.

But a trip to the zoo with friends would not be complete without sitting on every statue, growling with the lion, riding the carousel, or sticking our heads through every hole.  What a super fun day!!

What a great way to spend the day with friends!