Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Family pictures

I forgot to post these.  We had photos taken in January of all 5 of us.  Our photographer is AMAZING!!  We can't decide what our favorites are!

Since it was close to Jocelyn's 9th birthday, Gus got in the game!

I love this guy!

Our photographer does such an amazing job capturing her personality!

Of course, one of my definite favorites!

Proud Mommy Moments

Those who have kids can attest to those moments when we as parents are in awe when we see our kids becoming amazing human beings.

Every day I am in wonder at this little person that I carried in my belly and brought into this world.  How is it possible that this incredible being could be MY daughter??

Recently, we have had some experiences that almost brought me to tears with pride and happiness at who this little person is becoming.  I have watched her be thoughtful and contemplative, kind and brave.

In December she made a tough decision to stop doing ballet and jazz.  She has been taking ballet and jazz or tap since she was 3.  She spent a lot to time weighing the decision and realized she was ready for a change.  I'm so proud of her for putting so much thought into what was best for her.

A couple weeks ago, she got off the bus in the afternoon very troubled.  A group of kids in her class were accusing someone of taking something, and they were getting mad at her because she wouldn't just go along with the crowd and decide this boy was guilty.  She told me that she wasn't willing to accuse him because she didn't see him do it.  I told her I was so proud of her for not giving in to peer pressure just to be part of the crowd.

And this last weekend - in her own words - she was ready to take a risk.  In the fall, her Girl Scout troop went on a camping weekend.  We are indoor people.  Camping, bugs, cold, rain, latrines - not our thing.  Well I encouraged Jocelyn to try it for the day, not the overnight, just the day.  It was POURING.  I don't mean light rain, I mean down pour!!  We lasted an hour and a half before she was done - inside I couldn't wait to leave myself, so I was silently cheering!

Well, last weekend, the Girl Scouts did a lodge camping weekend.  Again, I encouraged her to try it for the day on Saturday.  The weather was beautiful, no bugs, there was heat and a bathroom and kitchen in the lodge - night and day different from the fall.  After a few hours, she came to me and said "Mommy, I'm willing to take a risk".  Yes, she used those words!  She wanted to stay the night.  How can I turn that down?  I went all the way home, picked up what we needed to stay and drove back.  (I wasn't expecting this, can you tell?)

She had a blast!  She made a new friend - who proceeded to steal her lovies, her blankets and her Gus in the middle of the night! We're going to laugh about that for a long time!  They hiked, made crafts, built forts out of wood, played pudding football and musical chairs, sang songs around a campfire - she had a "blast"!!  She even liked KP duty - which I need to remember the next time the dishes need to be washed!

I have been informed that the next time they go back to the lodge, she wants to stay for the weekend!  Tent camping is still out, but she won't get an argument from me on that one!

My brave girl - I couldn't be prouder of her!!