Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Kindergarten Camp

For the last 4 weeks, Jocelyn went to what I've been calling "Kindergarten Prep Camp".  It's organized by the public school system.  I wasn't completely sure what to expect, but it turned out to be a great experience for her.  It was like a mini Kindergarten day with all the classes shortened to 15 - 30 minutes.  They had Language Arts, Math, Music, even Recess.  She loved it and I think it has really helped to get her ready for school.  

On the last day, they had a concert with all the kids her age.  What a cute bunch!  They had been practicing all 4 weeks and it was great fun to watch.  They even had their own kazoos to perform "Take Me Out To the Ballgame".

(Middle in the rainbow dress)

Since the end of Kindergarten Camp, we have shopped for school supplies, and we now have 4 weeks left for playdates and swimming and fun.  That first day of Kindergarten is coming up so fast!!

A Weekend Away

On a very rare occasion, I went away for the weekend by myself, last weekend...

Well, sort of by myself...  I was with 32 other women!

I've been a part of a Facebook group for stepmoms for a couple years now.  Once a year they have a get together in Ohio and this was the first year I went.

It won't be my last.

We laughed, we cried, we shared, we hugged, we supported each other.  It was the most emotional weekend I think I've ever experienced.

I met some incredible ladies.  I was so sad to say goodbye, but I don't feel so alone anymore.

And that is a very good thing.