Monday, January 31, 2011

Birthday letter to my baby girl

My Dear Sweet Jocelyn,
Today you are 3 years old.  How can that be???  It seems just yesterday you were so small and helpless, and dependent on your Mommy, and today you are, dare I say?  A LITTLE GIRL!
Next to your Daddy, I never thought it was possible to love someone so fully and powerfully as I love you.  I'm still in awe that you were once inside me kicking away, and then you were born so early and so small.
You are still such a tiny thing, but you are a force all your own.  You know what you want out of this life and you TRY your darndest to make it happen.  You say the funniest things, and you are turning into such a polite, generous child. 
Your favorite things in life are your family, your friends from our mom's groups, My Gym and gymnastics classes, Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake, and Sesame Street, M&Ms, chocolate milk, and cuddling.  Our days together involve these things and so much more.  I love our time together.
As I look to what our future brings, I am thinking about ABC's and 123's, educational activities and eventually, next fall 2012, preschool.  One day, way too soon, you will be off to school, and I will miss our days together so much.  I try not to think about that now!
Today, I celebrate you, my sweet girl of just 3 years old.  Tonight we will sing "Happy Birthday" and I will remember, at 5:26pm, exactly 3 years ago, my life changed forever, for the better, when you became such a big part of my world.
I love you little one,