We spent our days doing lots of fun stuff.
We spent some time walking through town.
We took a boat ride around Lake Lure.
We mined for gemstones and look what we found! That there is a GIANT amethyst, and we got to keep it!
Jocelyn found a new best friend in Uncle Clayton.
And 6 other friends.... Red Bear, Green Bear, Blue Bear, Yellow Bear, Orange Bear and Tan Bear.... gifts from Uncle Steve and Uncle Clayton. (We can't hold them all!!!)
We visited some goats and fed them hay... whether they wanted it or not!
But Jocelyn's favorite thing to play with, by far, was the doll house that Pepere is making for her. It's not quite finished yet, but she enjoyed it anyway!
We did so much in just four days, these are just the highlights!!! It's going to be a few days before we recuperate! :-) But it was a great trip and it was so nice to see everyone!
Man--she was just one measly day away from that being her birthstone!!!