Monday, August 8, 2011

Nap Hell

As I sit here typing, Jocelyn is in her bed "resting".  Notice I did not say napping because today is a No-Nap Day. 
Yes, I know she is 3 1/2.  Yes I know I am very lucky that she ever takes naps at all these days.  But on the said "No-Nap Days", I truly miss the oh so joyous 2 hours of peace.
Jocelyn now takes naps about every 3 days.  Here is how the pattern goes:

Day 1 - She sleeps 1 1/2 to 2 hours
          Bedtime - She can't fall asleep and we get hounded for up to an hour for drinks of water, snuggles in the rocking chair, hugs, etc.  She finally falls asleep around 9:15-9:30.

Day 2 - No matter what we do in the morning that might "tire her out",  there will be no napping today
         Bedtime - She's tired enough, but we might get a call or two for the usual excuses for testing our patience  -  needs.

Day 3 - Lots of yawning at naptime, just enough to tease me, but no nap today.  By dinner time, she is completely in-human, totally irrational.  There is no reasoning, no explaining, and no reality.   Everything is a world ending crisis and we just barely survive until....
         Bedtime - She can't wait to get there and barely keeps her eyes open long enough to get through one book

Day 4 - She naps 1 1/2 to 2 hours......   and the cycle begins again.

I consider myself lucky that she is still in the crib and is (mostly) willing to hang out in there for an hour or so.  I get a bit of a break, and at least I don't have to worry about her bounding back downstairs after 5 minutes to tell me  "Momma, I all done restin' ".  

I'll take what I can get....


  1. B is off-and-on with naps, too. Must be a normal thing! We've definitely noticed that he goes to sleep RIGHT AWAY on the days he doesn't nap, but the pediatrician said kids really do kinda need naps until age 4 so we shouldn't just ditch nap/rest time altogether--especially since he does nap as often as he doesn't So I guess we just keep plugging away!!

  2. I remember that pain. I'd say it gets better, but really not right away. Now Jillian plays nice during "quiet time" and if it coincides with the baby's nap, I get some time to chill and read!
