Last weekend I traveled ***alone*** for the first time to Connecticut, for a very special occasion.
My Uncle Stephen and adopted Uncle Clayton got married after being together for 30 years!! Yes, 30 years!!!
It's hard to imagine just how much adversity they have faced over the years. But after all they've been through, they were finally able to be legally married. (Unfortunately, when they return back to their home state, the marriage will not be recognized, but who cares. Their marriage isn't about that.)
I have been married twice in the time they have been together, (as freaky as that sounds). They met when I was 15 years old. Someone please tell me why they had to wait so long???
Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now.....
It was a small but very love filled event. The people who witnessed their day, me included, were absolutely thrilled for them. When the wedding was over, there was not a dry eye in the place, and the guests weren't just applauding, they were outright cheering!! It was an incredible day!!
I love these two very much. It was such an honor to witness their special day.
The other thing that was a long time coming was a chance to see my friend Joye and her family, after about a year and a half. She also lives in CT, so it was the perfect timing for a visit with her. We only took a couple pictures, but here's me with her brood!
I hope to bring Jocelyn for another trip up to CT to see Joye and her family in August. It was way too long between visits this time! And I think Jocelyn would have a blast with all the kids.... and chickens and ducks and swimming pool and 5 acres of land to play on!!! I can't wait!!!
Seewalds Announce No. 6
22 hours ago