With the beginning of the school year and the return of homework, ballet and girl scouts, our adventuring has slowed down quite a bit, but we've managed to worm in a few fun activities in the last few weeks. It helps that the kids have had a day off of school once a week for the last 5 weeks!! Finally this week is a full week - and hopefully the start of some routine.
On one of our days off, we headed to the butterfly gardens with our regular adventuring partners, Nicki and Colin.
Pat and I managed to get to the Renaissance Festival this year. It was a gorgeous day and lots of fun.
Jocelyn and I went to a fall festival at the Days End Farm Horse Rescue. This is a Horse Rescue farm that takes in abused and neglected horses, cares for them, and if possible finds them new homes. Jocelyn had a great afternoon. She got to play lots of games including her favorite the McD's Maze, made completely out of old Happy Meal Toys! She made her own pony and then got to ride a real one. And at the end of the afternoon she gave the charity money she had saved, to the farm. I was so proud of her!
We also made it to the Sunflower fields again this year. They rotate crops each year and this time the sunflowers were a smaller version that were just about our height! A friend that came along with us, took some really fun photos of us with her fancy camera!

On one of Jocelyn's days off, we met Daddy for lunch. Always fun!
One of the historic places that we visited on our tours this summer was the Patapsco Female Institute. In the 1800's it was a girls boarding school, and over the years it was also a hotel, hospital, and private home. It came upon disrepair many years ago, but in 1965, the Friends of the Patapsco Female Institute took it over and eventually restored as much as they could. It is now a historical place that does weddings and events.
A couple weeks ago, they had a reception celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Friends of PFI and the 20th anniversary of the reopening of the park. Since this was one of my favorite places on the tour, we went to the reception for another chance to visit the site.
At the event was a girl scout troop that was dressed in period clothes that they made themselves!! Very impressive. Jocelyn loved the girls. She had her picture taken with them and played badminton with them.
Now that the cooler weather is coming and school has been in session for almost two months, our adventuring may be forced to slow down, but you never know what else we might get ourselves into before the winter comes!