No, he's not really her horse, but she loves him more than any other, by far.
Two years ago, I took Jocelyn to her first Scouting Day at Days End Farm Horse Rescue. She loved everything about it, especially this guy - Officer Barney. She has had a love affair with him ever since.
Now that we are volunteers, she gets to say hi to him whenever we visit the farm. And the last time we volunteered, she had him all to herself!!
She especially loves the Fall Festival when she gets to ride him!
She especially loves the Fall Festival when she gets to ride him!
Scouting day was even more fun for her this year because she got to brag a little about being a volunteer and how special Barney is to her. I got to take some really nice photos of her and her best buddy.
💜 Looks like love to me! 💜