Friday, March 4, 2011

Potato Project

So this morning I asked Jocelyn if she wanted to try a new project with paint.  She was raring to go!  I brought out the paint, the smock, the brushes, the plastic to cover the table, etc., etc., etc.   I decided to have her try to do some potato stamping.   I used some little cookie cutters to cut shapes into a potato, gave her some paint and let her go.
It didn't quite come out as I had envisioned.....

We started out ok...

But then something went a little crazy...
And then I lost all control...

But she had fun and that's all that matters, right?
I did learn one lesson though...  Save the bath for AFTER the paint project!


  1. Love it! Jillian went through a phase where every time she painted, the event turned into finger/hand painting. Thank goodness for washable paints!
