Saturday, June 4, 2011

Forget it! I have no idea what day it is.... But....!

The Shed / Playhouse is finished!!!!

Yeah!  Yeah!  Yeah!

Ok...  well, we still have to paint the left side and the back, and the inside, AND level the ground around the porch, return unused building supplies and get rid of the giant junk pile in the back yard!  (Free scrap wood for the taking!  Just let me know before next weekend!)  AND make curtains, and find toys, and decorate.....  I think that's it....

But the playhouse is open for business!!!

It's been a busy few days.  Every surface of the outside had to be primed, then the doors needed to be hung, the floors and patio were stained, and then everything had to be painted a second coat of paint.  We really had a hard time picking out colors.  Every time we looked over the swatches, we asked Jocelyn what she wanted and consistently, every time, she said "Red!"   But there was no way we could stand an all red playhouse, that would have been just too much!   So we went with the beige - yellow walls and red trim and she is quite happy with that.
She's very excited to FINALLY get to play in her playhouse.  I think the rest of us are just happy the worst is over!
"Thank You" is not nearly enough to tell Pepere how much we appreciate what he has done, but Thank you Pepere!


  1. The titles of these blog posts have become more and more hilarious as the days go by! I'm so glad it's done!! And it looks great!

  2. It looks wonderful!

  3. love the red and white (beige) it looks beautiful!

  4. Hooray!!!! What an accomplishment!
