Saturday, April 21, 2012

Ballet Revisited

Jocelyn's love of Ballet continues.   Because there was so much interest in the class, they kept it going for another 6 weeks!   Unfortunately, it's over for now, but I believe we have not seen the last of our little Ballerina.  She is already signed up for a ballet summer camp, and I'm seriously considering another 6 week class. 

But until then, these pictures will have to do.

With her wonderful teacher Ms. Lynette
Ms. Lynette, Jocelyn and Ms. Caroline
And just in case you can't get enough of the cuteness, here's a little video for you.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad she is loving the ballet! We have to all get together sometime this summer and catch up! Maybe I'll host a BBQ. I have so many questions aout what's new with you!
