Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Looking back on 2013

It is officially 2014.

Pat and I have been together for some part of 12 years!  I know, weird math!

Jocelyn will turn 6 years old in 30 days!!  More on that later...

I thought I would share some highlights of 2013, by sharing a special photo from each month.

January was the month Jocelyn turned 5 years old!

February - Jocelyn went to her first Disney on Ice and loved it.  Her preschool also took a field trip to the local firehouse.

March brought a visit from the Easter Bunny, a trip to visit Auntie Joye and family in Connecticut, a bus field trip to the Maryland Science Center, and the NICU Reunion.

April - Jocelyn got her first 2-wheel bicycle (with training wheels of course!)

May - Jocelyn and Auntie and I, spent a fun overnight at a dairy farm in Lancaster, PA.  Later in the month Jocelyn graduated from Oakland Mills preschool.  We were so sorry to see her time there come to an end.  The teachers were wonderful and she learned so much. 

June - our beautiful ballerina took the stage!

July was actually more about me!  Jocelyn enjoyed a Kindergarten prep camp for 4 weeks.  Then I went away for a weekend with a group of amazing ladies - all stepmoms.  It was an incredible weekend!  I can't wait to go again in 2014.  Pat and I ended the month with our first weekend away together since Jocelyn was born.  We went back to Lancaster to a very nice Bed and Breakfast.  Also an occasion that will be revisited in 2014!!

August brought us back to an important milestone for Jocelyn, her first day of Kindergarten!  Mommy was a wreck, but Jocelyn did wonderfully, and I continue to be so proud of her and all she has accomplished!

September led us into a regular school schedule and not much to report, but here's a cute photo of Jocelyn and Auntie's dog Mollie, on their way out for a play date!

October and Halloween with our little pumpkin!  Also this month we had a visit from Pepere and Memere and Jocelyn had her first field trip in Kindergarten, out to the farm.

November and Thanksgiving with the Desmond's, a trip to Grammy's at the beach, and LOTS and LOTS of leaves!!.

December brought the first snowfall of the year, a visit with Santa, and Christmas, but the most exciting was a visit to the White House!

I can't say that I really know what 2014 is going to bring.  I will continue to thoroughly enjoy my volunteering opportunities at Jocelyn's school.  I'm sure Pat and I will do our best to work in another weekend away.  And there is no way I will miss the Stepmom weekend!  My little one will turn 6 years old soon.  She is no longer a toddler or a baby, but now a Elementary Schooler!  So hard to believe!  
One thing is for sure, there are lots more memories waiting to be made and I look forward to sharing them with you!  Welcome 2014!

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