Summer has come to an end. Jocelyn starts 2nd grade tomorrow morning. She is excited to go back, ready to meet her new teacher, and get back into routine. I'm so glad she's happy and ready to get started.
But I'm so sad for me. We have had an amazing summer together. Every day we had something new to do, and every day she would ask me "what are we doing today Mom??!!" She has loved being busy and I have so loved having my little buddy with me.
In addition to our super fun Historical adventures, Jocelyn also had some really fun camps. She also took swimming lessons from a friend and dived off the diving board for the first time!!
I'm so proud of what she has accomplished in the pool this year!
But that's not all!! There's been so much more to the last weeks of our summer! We made a trip to the Aquarium and pet a jelly fish, visited our favorite turtle Calypso, and watched the dolphins show off!

We went for pedicures!
Took photos with Gus at age 7 1/2, and then lost tooth #3!
And then Jocelyn and I headed off to Connecticut to visit Auntie Joye, Uncle Don and all the kids. It's been SO long since we've seen them!! We had a great trip!
What summer would be complete without a trip to the county fair?? Among so many other fun things to do there, Daddy had a chat with a bunny, Jocelyn became a chicken, and got up close and personal with a calf and other baby animals, and then of course she had to take many rounds on the rides! Lots of fun as always!!
We ended our summer with a fun afternoon at the park with Daddy, having a picnic lunch and playing on the playground.
I fully expect that Jocelyn will take on the first day of 2nd grade like every year before - ready for a new adventure, ready to meet new friends and learn new things. I would think this would get easier for me too, but I think this year is even harder than last year. We have had 9 weeks together, every day experiencing such wonderful, fun things. Knowing tomorrow means that is over and we go back to schedules, and homework, and much, much less fun and free time together, is hard to swallow. I'm going to miss my girl so much. Thinking about it brings tears to my eyes.
I say it all the time. I am so proud of Jocelyn. She takes on every challenge and new experience with eagerness, and anticipation. She makes friends so easily and has a generous heart. I love her so much. As much as I want to keep her all for me, I know she has to spread her wings and grow into the beautiful person she is becoming. Happy first day of 2nd grade Sweet Girl!