Technically, schools are not done until Tuesday, but Jocelyn is done! She is so relieved to be out of that class, and so excited to be going to Programming Roblox Camp starting tomorrow, for a week.
On Thursday I volunteered my last time for the year, so we ate breakfast at Dunkin Donuts, and then brought in the gifts for Jocelyn's teachers, and took a couple pictures. Miss. Dorchak (left), math, science and home room, was a very sweet teacher, but fought the battle with Jocelyn all year long with a difficult class. Mrs. Lee (right) was Jocelyn's Language Arts teacher and helped her grow leaps and bounds in this area this year. Jocelyn is really going to miss her and I'm going to really miss her teaching style. She's been amazing!
The last day of school was a great way to end the year. The 4th grade had an extended recess which was a great time for Jocelyn to hang out - literally - with two of her best friends, Kate and Ryan, then she said her goodbyes to Mrs. Rowe, the GT Science teacher that brought Jocelyn into the Animal Antics and Crazy Contraptions sessions that she loved. Then I wrote "Running Away" on the early dismissal sheet and we escaped for good to have lunch at Jocelyn's favorite restaurant Red Robin. We've never been more relieved to see the end of a school year. On to a fun and exciting summer!!
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