So two days before Thanksgiving, yes Thanksgiving, our over-the-stove microwave died. Great timing huh? Pat researched and researched, as his analytical, engineering brain is known to do, on what we should do.... repair, view ratings on new microwaves, replace???
Finally he made a decision, and we ordered the new microwave, but then came the fun part. How the heck do you install one of these things?
Well, first you move the stove out of the way (and begin the scrubdown of a lifetime! Just think what crud can collect between the side of the stove and the counter! And we are clean people!!), then you remove the old, broken microwave and marvel at how your kitchen can fit all these appliances!
Then you set the hubby loose with the biggest A** power drill bit I have ever seen!!
You install the new microwave and note hubby's excellent work!
And then you let the kiddo have the box!!
Ta Da!! New microwave!!
Jana Duggar's Honeymoon
1 week ago
yay! good job, pat!