There was the photo shoot at Patapsco State Park in October. Here is just a sample of the amazing photos our photographer took that day.

Then Halloween with Ariel the Mermaid. Jocelyn enjoyed her school parade and party, but Trick-or-Treating was definitely the highlight! She couldn't decide what she liked more - collecting candy or handing out candy!
There's always something fun going on at school. I love my Co-op parent days and when any special event is going on, I make sure not to miss it. There was the Pilgrim Field Trip, the Turkey Trot, and the Thanksgiving Friendship Fruit Salad.
Our yearly venture to the Festival of Trees and a chat with Santa - can't forget that! This is something we always look forward to. Each year the experience is a little different depending on what Jocelyn is interested in doing, but she always loves the carousel, the pony ride, and the train display. This year she was especially fascinated by the gingerbread houses. And Santa just made her giggle!
Decorating the Christmas Tree with the official job of Angel Topper. For the last few years, we have put the tree in the front room, but we always feel like we don't get to see it much. This year we decided to put it in the living room, and we are enjoying it so much more!
Last but certainly not least, Santa came to visit US again this year! We were waiting anxiously to hear those Fire Engine Sirens, and when they finally came, Jocelyn couldn't get outside fast enough. One of our favorite benefits of living in a small town.
So there you have it. Once again we are caught up, though these photos certainly don't do justice to the wonderful experiences that Jocelyn is having at school, and the fun adventures we have often with our friends. Jocelyn is making new friends at school and starting to look forward to play dates. I am trying hard to figure out how to use my free time for me. I'll let you know when, or if, I ever master that. But though life is busy, it is full of fun.
And of course, Santa comes next week! Hugs to all!
Glad to see you've been keeping busy with all kinds of fun holiday festivities!