I thought the summer was going to be laid back, but somehow 5 weeks has flown by!! We're having so much fun though!! I'm loving every minute of quality time with my girl. There's so little of it during the school year.
Jocelyn had a week of gymnastics camp early on in the summer, and she will have another week next week. She comes home exhausted after just 3 hours, but she loves it.
Jocelyn also had an art camp which was all about making art projects from recycled material. I can't believe all the great stuff she made!! At the end of the week, they did an Art Show so we could see everything she did. We were so impressed!!
There's so much more to summer, than camps though!
Like a real live Indian Pow Wow!
Mommy Daughter Pedicures!!
And lunch with Daddy!!
There's 4 more weeks of summer to go. Hopefully we'll work in more pool time, and time for play dates, more lunches with Daddy, and trips to the library. And most of all, MORE FUN!!! That's what summer is all about!