Not anymore!!
After 6 months of planning, we had amazing dinners reserved, fast passes that put us at the front of the line for shows, rides and meet and greets with characters, our magic bands - which are really magical - and a Royal Princess Guest Room at a beautiful hotel on Disney property. Yes, we went all out, but every moment was special - even the ones we spent shivering in the cold and dodging the rain!
I didn't want Jocelyn to get too crazy waiting for the trip to come so she didn't know anything about it until 3 weeks before. We gave her a t-shirt, autograph book and pen, and a tour guide and let her figure it out. Here's the face that came with the realization! Her one and only request? A princess gown - of course we had that covered too!
On February 3rd, we boarded our plane headed for sunshine and warmth (we thought) after barely getting unburied from the record breaking snowfall of the week before.
Upon our arrival we were greeted at the door of the hotel to find that we were the Royal Family of the day! We were announced in the lobby, and got balloons and pictures, and then we got to see our fabulous hotel room! Made for a princess!

Throughout the trip, we met so many, many characters, from princesses, to Star Wars, to Disney characters. Here are just a few of the MANY we visited and got autographs and photos with.
Darth Vader asked Daddy who was giving away secrets to the rebels. We did what any good parents would do and blamed the kid!! This photo with Pat and Darth is one of my favorites!

Chewbacca is a hugger. I even got one!!

Jedi Training!

After all the excitement, we had one more thing to celebrate on our last day in the parks. Jocelyn FINALLY LOST HER TOP FRONT TOOTH!! We've been waiting for weeks for it to come out and while waiting in line for the Jungle Cruise she says "Mommy! I lost my front tooth!!" and sure enough... We found out that Tinkerbell handles the Tooth Fairy duties in Disney!
I could fill this post with photos. Between us and the Disney photo package I literally have 100's of them!! It was an awesome trip. Our only complaint was the weather. It was unusually cold for Florida - 50's most days - and we battled with rain more often than we would have liked. But otherwise, it was a trip to remember. I'm so glad we took our Princess to the most Magical Place on Earth!
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