Later in the morning, after a dip in our kiddy pool at home, I removed Jocelyn's swimmy diaper and off she went streaking through the house (I chose the blurry picture in hopes of protecting her future dignity, ha!)

So here I was with a naked kid and a handy potty chair, so I made the suggestion and she went for it. My living room is not the preferred location, just the opportune one, I can assure you.

As was to be expected, there were no miracles the first time, but 30 seconds after getting up from the potty chair, she proceeded to take care of business on the kitchen floor. I rushed her back to the potty for the last 3 drops, and SUCCESS!! Ok, well sort of... But those 3 drops will be recorded for eternity in her list of firsts.
Just in case you're wondering, the diaper was back on right after that!