Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Potty Training

Today Jocelyn and I went to a "Potty Time" story time at one of the local libraries. The idea was to get kids excited about potty training and being a "big kid". Well, all Jocelyn was excited about was the kiddy shopping cart I couldn't let her bring into the story time room!! We're off to a great start!

I've been doing a lot of thinking about potty training. I also read the book "The No-Cry Potty Training Solution" by Elizabeth Pantley. (She also wrote "The No-Cry Sleep Solution", which was a sanity savior for us last summer.) We also have a multitude of kids potty books that make too many weird noises!! Potty training is pretty close to the top of the list of things I really have not looked forward to as a Mommy. Messes are not my thing to begin with (I know I have some OCD, no doubt in my mind), and bathroom germs give me the major icks!! Having to spend hours in the little closet we call a bathroom, waiting for the almighty tinkle or splash, just doesn't sound like fun to me, and taking my precious child to use a public restroom... I cringe at the thought.
I know, I'm getting ahead of myself. After all, Jocelyn has yet to sit on ANY potty. But I think I'm ready to consider having her sit a few times a day and hope for something exciting to happen. I'm good with that - heck, I'll even put together one of those cool sticker charts I've read about. But I'm not ready to ditch the diapers. There's a sense of security there that I just don't think I'm ready to give up yet, yes I said me, not Jocelyn. Part of the problem is we have two vacations planned this summer. They involve either planes or long car rides, hotels, and strange beds. They also involve much activity and potentially some stressful times (which is hard to avoid when traveling with a family of five). I just can't picture adding the need for trips to the bathroom every couple hours.

So maybe there's a plan of some sort in all of that? Start with some visits to the potty now, encourage successes, and come August, when vacations are over, bring out the Elmo underwear. (That Elmo guy is on EVERYTHING, including kids behinds - what they wear on them and what they sit on - see above) Yes I will be one of those mothers that spends huge amounts of money on the disposable toilet covers with the cute characters and the sticky backs, for use in public restrooms. Come on! Give me some slack here!! That may be the only way I'll survive...

1 comment:

  1. I think Jillian will be ready for it before I am. I'm trying to let her take the lead, since I feel much the way about it that you do. Look at it this way, if Jo wants to train before you're ready, those added trips to the bathroom may be added "breaks" for you during your vacations!
