Thursday, May 27, 2010

Strawberries and Goats Oh My!

On Tuesday, Jocelyn and I joined some friends to go strawberry picking at a nearby “Pick Your Own” farm. We were doing pretty good at picking the juicy red strawberries (I told her to pick only the ones that matched the color of her shirt and that worked surprisingly well)...

Until she remembered that strawberries are mighty tasty, and from then on, my helper was too busy chowing down!! I came across a photo of a similar occasion last year. And it seems Jocelyn has carried over her talents in this area.
After picking our strawberries, we went back to the barn to see the animals. They had goats and llamas. The llamas were pretty boring, but the goats caught Jocelyn's attention! They had a series of wooden bridges that brought them to platforms where they could look down on us. As you can see, the goat couldn't have cared less about us, but Jocelyn was pretty facinated with the "goat up there!"

When all was said and done, we came home with some pretty tasty strawberries and I just couldn't resist baking them into a yummy bread! Blueberry season is coming soon!

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