I have to admit, I have a touch of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. No, I have not been officially diagnosed by a psychiatrist with a DSM IV in hand, and no, I'm not on any meds, though some days it might not be a bad idea. But I'm pretty sure I qualify. Anyway, all joking aside, my loving husband and I have determined that in some part, it must be hereditary.
A couple weeks ago, Jocelyn and I made another visit to Storyville and before my little one would begin to play, she had to return a stray toy. She walked into the treehouse area, discovered a musical toy, and walked all the way to the other side of Storyville to return it to it's proper location (which she remembered from our last visit) before she would start playing. How many kids do you know that will do that???
Teeth brushing is another area that Jocelyn has her own rules. We use two tooth brushes so she can brush her teeth while we brush her teeth. Every night, we have to use the purple brush and she uses the yellow one. Never the other way around.
At nap and at bedtime, Jocelyn takes a vast collection of books to bed with her, nothing unusual, except for the fact that before she can go to sleep, they have to be organized leaning against the wall of the crib, in a specific order (which she remembers every time!), all upright and facing out. Trust me, she knows if there's one missing.
I have to admit, I am not having a problem with any of this. What parent wouldn't want a child that wants to wear only clean clothes, has to pick up her toys before leaving a room, likes helping with household chores, and keeps track of where her family members are at all times. I can think of worse things than Jocelyn sharing my OCD trait. :-)
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