Friday, August 6, 2010

Vacation Time Again!

Last week we ventured out to Western PA for our second vacation of the summer. Pat's family lives in Butler PA, just north of Pittsburg. Since we didn't get to spend much time with them at the wedding in Indiana, we decided to take the drive to get in some more family quality time. Much to our delight, Scott and Rachel, the newlyweds, traveled in from their direction too! So the whole Desmond clan was together again.
The trip got off to a slow start with rental car and hotel issues, but once we made it to Butler and settled in, we had lots of fun!

We all enjoyed some pool time.

Then the kids all spent time helping to care for their cousin Megan's pony. With Aunt Tina's help, Jocelyn got to feed, brush, and even ride Pip!

I've been keeping a photo book for Jocelyn that has photos of her with family, to help her remember everyone we don't get to see very often. We took the opportunity to get some updated photos with Uncle Scott, Aunt Rachel, Uncle Dan and Aunt Tina, then it was off to "play" football with the sisters and cousins.
Grandma, Aunt Tina and Uncle Dan share a few acres of land in Butler, so there was plenty of free space for Jocelyn to run around in. She certainly took advantage of the freedom!
This was my absolute favorite photo from the whole trip! We miss you Grandma!
When we left Butler, we headed to Erie, PA for a day at an indoor water park called Splash Lagoon. Aunt Tina and the cousins came with us and we all had a blast! There are no photos of that day since I just couldn't risk getting the camera wet, but we had a great time!
The last stop on our trip was Niagara Falls. More on that to come!