Recently it has come to my attention that Jocelyn is becoming very good at imaginative play. She "cooks" in her kitchen, makes tea with her tea set, and feeds her baby doll. She often says that something "is kina like" something else, such as cords are like jump ropes, and rice from her rice table can be like meatloaf (although I'm not quite sure how she makes that transition).
But my favorite lately is Jocelyn doggy. My daughter has decided that she is Jocelyn doggy. Yes! She calls herself that! She got a straw out of the drawer and decided "it's kina like a bone", and she wants us to throw it so she can retrieve it. It seems odd somehow, but is it really bad if she asks us to do it???
She crawls around on all fours saying "woof woof!" But my favorite is when she jumps in my lap and pretends to lick my face!
I'm of the mind that she can go with it as long as she's having fun. Why not?! But I'm not completely sure anymore, how to answer when someone asks me if I have a pet! :-)
Seewalds Announce No. 6
1 day ago
This is hilarious!! It's great that she has such great imagination! Ethan calls himself a "hippo" and Creig and I are "elephants".