Today was just another one of those days that Jocelyn would not take a nap..... until.....
I'm sitting downstairs listening to her banging around and I hear the bifold doors that separate our rooms creaking open. Now, Jocelyn can not reach those doors from her crib, so guess what that means?
Jocelyn climbed out of her crib for the first time today!!
I went upstairs and found her wandering from our bedroom back into her's and what does she say? "I was looking for you Mommy." Oh boy.......
Now I know we have been very lucky up until now. She is over 3 years old, so this was inevitable and probably well overdue considering previous activies: note this event, and this one. But that doesn't mean we are prepared emotionally or structurally. We bought the convertible crib bed rail to convert her crib to a toddler bed, but her room still has plenty of things in it that would be just too tempting for a free child to get into. So that will require a cleanout.
But worse than that, tonight I mentioned that she might be going into a big girl bed soon and she started to cry! She was worried about her crib and her music box and her toys, and I just couldn't convince her that nothing would leave her bed! I didn't mean to scare her! I thought she would be excited about it!! Oh well, I failed miserably at that.
We had been thinking about moving her straight into a big bed, even possibly the full sized bed that her crib will eventually convert to, but after tonight, it's obvious my little girl needs baby steps.
So this weekend we will stock up on door knob covers and bifold door locks, and clean out her room of hazards, and I will try not to cry my eyes out when I tuck my little girl into her crib-turned-into-toddler-bed. I'm not sure exactly when that will happen, but I fear it will be sooner than either she or I are emotionally ready for!
Seewalds Announce No. 6
1 day ago
Maybe she could pick out the sheets for her new bed and that may make the transition a bit easier. Also, she could play on the bed when you have it set up and that way she'll be used to it by bedtime. Have fun!