Friday, April 1, 2011

Time for planting

Ok, just by the title, I'm sure you are rolling on the floor laughing.  Miss Black Thumb could not possibly have said anything about planting anything except maybe a rock!

No really!  Jocelyn and I did some planting! 
I decided that since she is getting stir crazy in the house, and can't wait to get outside (if only winter would just give up and GO AWAY!!!), that we would plant a few things for a potential mini garden of sorts.  My criteria is:   If it lives, yeah.  If it doesn't, well then we had fun in the meantime!

So Jocelyn and I visited our local Lowe's store and bought some supplies.

Then we planted some tomato plants in their little pots.

And added some label sticks.

So far, we've only planted the tomatoes.  We have flowers, pumpkins and watermelon seeds still waiting, but we had to take a forced break due to a nasty stomach bug that raged through our house this week. 
But in the meantime, look what happened to our tomato seeds!

Of course, my darling hubby tells me that the rabbits and squirrels will be thrilled with their new tasty treats.  Like I said, if it lives....  Yeah!  If it doesn't, well who doesn't like to play in the mud???


  1. I love a good gardening acticity! Fabulous!

  2. Great minds think alike - Ethan just planted carrot, lettuce, pea, and pumpkin seeds in those little pots, too. He has a tendency to water them whether they need it or not, so we'll see if they survive his loving treatment?! :-)
