Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Blast from the past

Our niece is having a baby and we will soon give her a bunch of baby stuff that Jocelyn has outgrown.  Her timing, makes her very lucky, I must say. 
Today I was gathering some of the stuff together and had a little more "help" than I needed with the project....   as usual.

But it sure brought back memories of these days...

Jocelyn 5 weeks old leaving the hospital

Learning to use a cup at 6 months old
When did my baby get to be so big???

1 comment:

  1. It's crazy, right?! I mean, I already have a gigantic almost-8-month baby and those newborn days seem forever ago.

    And you're right about lucky timing. We scored some great stuff this go-round because friends were moving, and I know that happens a lot with people who just need to clean out! It's always nice to be on the receiving end, but I'm sure it's a good feeling to minimize, too!
