Monday, September 27, 2010

A sure sign of fall

 The first year we lived in our house, we were barraged with acorns in the fall.  Really, no exaggeration!!  You needed to wear a hard hat when you went into the back yard!   And the clank when they hit the metal top of the shed was so loud!   Then for the last three fall seasons, we've wondered where all the acorns went.  We've had almost none!

Well, They'rrrrreeeeee  Baaaaacckkkk!!! 

I don't know what determines whether or not we get acorns.  The summer heat?  the previous winter's snowfall?  rain amounts?  We've had plenty of all of the above, so I don't know.

But this year, we are getting acorns by the bucket fulls, literally, as you can see, and Daddy and Jocelyn are having a good time collecting them.  Most of the acorns are big and fat, and missing their "hats", but here's one I found that was ready and waiting for the collection.

Jocelyn and Daddy discussing where to hunt next!
 So, I don't think the squirrels will starve this year, but I am wondering where I put my hard hat!  :-)  Here's hoping your acorn collections are as plentiful as ours!  Happy Fall Everyone!


  1. We keep wondering the same thing - where were all these acorns last year?! Glad Jocelyn likes them - does she want to come over and collect ours?!

  2. Apparently an abundance of acorns is supposed to indicate an extra cold/harsh winter coming up. My mom has the same problem - and she had TONS last year too!

  3. Cute pic of daddy and daughter! And hey, wouldn't you rather have bucketfuls of acorns than stinkbugs???!

  4. G - thanks, but no thanks! We have plenty more acorns waiting for collection here!
    M - I hope you're wrong!
    E - I'm good on the stink bugs too thanks! :-)
