Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Evolution of the Lovey

Many of the parenting books I have read for kids Jocelyn's age, have said that you should encourage your child to attach to a "Lovey", something that they can use for comfort and security. Well, Jocelyn's lovey has been around since day one, and isn't going anywhere!

From the first day Jocelyn came home from the hospital, and throughout bottle feeding, we used these burp cloths under her chin while she drank.

We soon discovered how helpful they were in getting her to close her eyes and fall asleep.

Then she started cuddling with them, and the Lovey was born,

One led to another and another and another, and now...

We couldn't get through a day without them.


  1. Too cute! Henry is starting to show burp-cloth love too. Now I know what the future holds!

  2. That's awesome! Jillian collects binkies much in the same way. As soon as I think I've got her down to two, she finds her secret stash (which I have no idea where THAT is!) and gets more!!
