Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Pigtails! For 30 seconds.

As some of you know, I have yet to have the heart to get Jocelyn's first haircut. She has very odd hair so far. What's on top is original baby hair she didn't lose as an infant, and it's getting long, but coming in mostly straight. However, all the back hair is new hair that has replaced what she lost as an infant, and it's coming in with very cute ringlet curls!

The other day, I managed to distract her long enough to attempt to put in pigtails. (Forgive the crooked part, she didn't make this easy!)

Brushing her teeth was a good distraction. She likes this activity a lot.

But no sooner were the distractions over then she threw herself on to the kitchen floor crying and begging "NO MOMMA! OUT MOMMA! OUT!!!" So out the pigtails came. :-( And that was the end of that.... for now....


  1. well, they looked cute if even for just an instant!

  2. How sweet she looks in pigtails. I hope she gets used to them one day.

